The 3rd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicin (ISOMRM), Formosa, Taiwan, 27.-29.08.2014
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  9. The 3rd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicin (ISOMRM), Formosa, Taiwan, 27.-29.08.2014

The 3rd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicin (ISOMRM),

Formosa, Taiwan, 27.-29.08.2014

Beiträge der TH Wildau


F. Lisdat, -keynote-
"Combinations of Proteins with Electrodes for Sensorial and Bioenergetic Applications"


M. Riedel, J. Kartchemnik, M. J. Schöning, F. Lisdat,
"Label-free impedimetric DNA detection - effects of target length and recognition sequence position-"