Jahresübersicht Kongressteilnahmen
2022/2023Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
- 2nd International Conference “Science, Education, Innovations and Chemical Technologies - From Idea to Implementation” 23.-25.11.2023, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 11th International Workshop on surface modifications for chemical and biochemical sensing (SMCBS), 03.-07.11.2023, Lochow, Poland
- 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), 03.09.-08.09.2023, Lyon, France
- 4th European Biosensorsymposium (EBS), 27.08.-30.08.2023, Aachen, Germany
- 19th International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (ISEAC), 17.08.-20.08.2023, Changchun, China
- 1st International BES-Workshop on Bioelectrochemistry, 14-16.06.2023, Salt Lake City, US
- 16. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 05.-07.12.2022, Dresden, Germany
- Electrochemistry 2022 GDCh, 27.-30.09.2022, Berlin
- XVIIth colloquium of the French Group of Bioelectrochemistry, 26.-29.09.2022, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France
- 1st Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 15.-19.8.2022, Prague, Czech Republic
- 8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, 11.-15.07.2022, Graz, Austria
- 18th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2022) 5-9.6.2022, Vilnius, Lithuania
- XXVII Biannual Symposium of the Bioelectrochemical Society, 03.-07.04.2022, Antwerp, Belgium
2020/2021Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
15. Dresdner Sensorsymposium (DSS), 06.-08.12.2021, Dresden (online)
10th Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS), 5-9.11.2021 Poland (online)
240th ECS Meeting (The Electrochemical Society), 10. - 14.10.2021., online confernce
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie, 29.08.-01.09.2021, online conference
15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15), 12.-15.07.2021; online conference
- 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS), 30.5-03.6.2021, USA, (online Meeting)
- 239th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 30.5.-03.6.2021, Canada (online)
- 3rd European Biosensor Symposium, 09.-12.03.2021 (Online Conference)
- Elecnano Electrochemistry for Nano & Nano for electrochemistry, 23.-24.11.2020 (Online Conference)
- The 1st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors, 02.-17.11.2020 (Online Conference)
- International Online Conference on Bio-hybrid Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion, 27.10.-29.10.2020 (Online Conference)
- Electrochemistry (undercover), 23.09.-24.09.2020 (online conference)
- Annual Meeting of ISE, 31.08.-04.09.2020 (Online Conference)
- Learn-STEM-Online Conference 2020, 29.04.2020
2018/2019Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
Mátrafüred 2019, International Conference on Chemical Sensors, 16.–21.06.2019, Visegrád, Hungary
2nd European BioSensor Symposium, 18.-21.022019, Florence, Italy
- 19. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, 24.09.-26.09.2018, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
- ISE 2018, 02.-07.09.2018, Bologna, Italien
- IMCS 2018,, Wien, Österreich
- Biosensors 2018, 12.-15.06.2018, Miami, Fl, USA
- Bioelectrochemistry and Bioelectronics of Macromolecules (JW70), 12.-15.06.2018, Brno, Czech Republic
- 17th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC 2018, 03.-07-06.2018, Rhodes, Greece
- Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences ”IC-ANMBES 2018”, 23.-25.05.2018, Brasov, Romania
- 23rd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 08.-11.05.2018, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016/2017Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
13. Dresdner Sensorsymposium, 04.-06.12.2017, Dresden Deutschland
68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
- 1st European & 10th German BioSensor Symposium, 20.-23.03.2017, Potsdam, Germany
- Annual Congress of the strategy process Biotechnology 2020+, 11.-12.10.2016, Jena, Germany
- ECS-PRIME Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Sciences, 02.-07.10.2016, Honolulu, USA
- 18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften 19.-21.09.2016, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
- 67. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 21 - 26 August 2016, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- 17. International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, 07 - 12 August 2016, Maastrich, The Netherlands
- Photosynthesis Satellite Meeting on Biohybrid Solarcells, 4 - 7 August 2016, Auberge de Smockelaer, The Netherlands
- International Meeting on Chemical Sensors IMCS 2016, 10 - 13 July 2016, Jeju, Korea
- 16. International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC, 12 - 16 June 2016, Bath, UK
- 26. Biosensor World Congress, 24 - 28 May 2016, Gothenborg, Sweden
- 83. Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, Osaka 29.-31.03.2016
2014/2015Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
- 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 07.-09.12.2015, Dresden, Deutschland
- Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing 2015 SMSBS 2015, 06.-10.11.2015, Pultusk, Poland
- 10th International Frumkin Symposiumon Electrochemistry, 21.-23.10.2015, Moscow, Russia
- 228th ECS Meeting, 11.-15.10.2015, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- The 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry ISE 2015, 04.-09.10.2015, Taipei, Taiwan
- Engineering of Functional Interfaces EnFI 2015, 06. - 07.07.2015, Hannover, Germany
- European Conference on Organized Films ECOF14, 29.06 - 02.07.2015, Genova, Italy
- 5th International Colloid Conference, Colloid and Interface Sciences for a Brighter Future, 21. - 24.06.2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- XXIII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Biochemical Society BES, 14. - 18.06.2015, Malmö, Sweden
- 2nd International Conference on Lable-Free Technologies, 12.-14.03.2015, Boston Marriott Cambridge, MA, USA
- 9. Deutsche BioSensor Symposium, München, 11.-13.03.2015
- CEITEC Annual Conference Brno 2014: Frontiers in Life and Material Science, Brno, Czech Republic, 21.-24.10.2014
- 17. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, 22.-24.09.2014
- Electrochemistry 2014, Mainz, 22.-24.09.2014
- 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland, 31.08.-05.09.2014
- The 3rd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicin (ISOMRM), Formosa, Taiwan, 27.-29.08.2014
- EnFI 2014 - Engineering of Functional Interfaces, Jülich,
- 15th International Conference of Electroanalysis (ESEAC), Malmö; Sweden, 11.-15.06.2014
- 225th ECS Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, 11.-15.05.2014
- MRS Spring Meeting 2014, San Fransisco, USA, 21.-25.04.2014
- SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 07.-12.02.2014
2012/2013Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
- 11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden, 09.-11.12.2013
- 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, 08.-13.09.2013
- 7. GMM Workshop Engineering of Functional Interfaces EnFI 2013, Hasselt, Belgien, 08.-09.07.2013
- NanoTech Conference & Expo 2013, May 12th - 16th, 2013, Washington DC, USA
- 12th Topical Meeting of the ISE & XXII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the BES, March 17th - 21st, 2013, Bochum, Germany
- 8. Deutsche BioSensor Symposium, Wildau, 10.-13.03.2013
- 63nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, August 19th - 24th, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
- 14th International Conference on Electroanalysis, ESEAC 2012 June 03-07, 2012, Portorož, Slovenia
- IMCS 2012 - 14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, May 20-23, 2012, Nürnberg, Germany
- 22nd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, May 15-18, 2012, Cancun, Mexico
2010/2011Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
- 5th International Workshop Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing SMCBS 2011, 04. - 08. November 2011, Lochów, Polen
- 2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology 2011, 10.-12. October 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 62nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, September 11th - 16th, 2011, Niigata, Japan
- XXI International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Biochemical Society BES, 07. - 12.05.2011, Cracow, Poland
- Imagine Nano 2011, April 11-14 2011, Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Bilbao, Spain
- 7. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, 03. bis 06. April 2011, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Deutschland
- The International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Society, December 15-20, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
< 2009Bereich öffnenBereich schließen
- 9. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 07. - 09. Dezember 2009, Dresden, Deutschland
- 216th ECS Meeting, October 04.-09.2009, Vienna, Austria
- Eurosensors XXIII, September 06.-09.2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
- The China-Germany Bilateral Symposium on Bioelectronics and Biomaterials, August 21.-26.2009, Nanjing, China
- 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, August 16.-21.2009, Beijing, China
- 6. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, 29. März bis 01. April 2009, Freiburg, Deutschland
- XXth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, May 10.-14. 2009, Sibiu, Romania
- 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 07.-12. September 2008, Seville, Spain
- 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 09.-14. September 2007, Banff, Canada
- EIS 2007, Juni 2007, Argeles Sur Mer, Frankreich
- Transducers’07 & Eurosensors XXI, June 10. - 14. 2007, Lyon, France
- XIX International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1.-4. April 2007, Toulouse, France
- 5. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, März 2007, Bochum, Deutschland
- 8. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz mitteldeutscher Fachhochschulen, 25. und 26. Januar 2007, Jena, Deutschland
- 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 27 .Aug.-01. Sep. 2006, Edinburgh, UK
- The 11th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, 16.-19.07.2006, Brescia, Italien
- Biosensors, May 10.-12. 2006, Toronto, Canada
- Japanese-German Conference on Diagnostic Biotechnology, Tokyo Japan, März 2006
- 4. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, 13. - 16. März 2005, Regensburg, Deutschland
54th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, São Pedro, September 2003
2nd International Conference on New Biomedical Materials, Cardiff, UK, April 2003
XVIIth Interantional Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Florence, Juni 2003
2000 International Forum on Biochip Technologies, Beijing, Oktober 2000
In situ Nanoscale Biochemistry Workshop, Copenhagen, Dänemark, März 2000
Dechema-Statusseminar DNA Chiptechnologie, Frankfurt/M., Januar 2000
1999 Joint International ECS Meeting, Honolulu, Oktober 1999
50th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Pavia, September 1999
9. International Exhibition and Congress (Sensor'99), Mai 1999, Nürnberg
6th. International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Gaithersburg, USA 1996